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Let's start

The documentation applies to:✅ v0.9.0


You should ensure all these steps have been completed before reaching here:

  • Install all prerequisites
  • Do a basic installation step
  • Ensure MongoDB has been installed in your PC, read here

Wake up LET Portal

Before doing these steps, you should move to .\src\web-apis and Docker must be running (and Docker compose has been installed as well)

Step 1: Start server side

``` powershell tab="Powershell" docker-compose up

``` bash tab="Ubuntu"
docker-compose -f docker-compose-lnx.yml up

Step 2: Run client-side

You should move to client-side folder by exectuing this command

``` powershell tab="Powershell" cd .\src\web-portal

``` bash tab="Ubuntu"
cd ./src/web-portal

If you don't have Typescript yet, so execute this command

npm install -g typescript

Then, use npm to install all libararies

npm install

After you restore all libraries, you can run a client-side by this command

npm run debug

Now you open a browser and type these urls following the order:

You will see this screen below

Homescreen LET Portal

Congratulation! You have run LET Portal sucessfully. Let's do a next step or you can switch some parts below: