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The documentation applies to:✅ v0.8.0

Client configuration file

Same with most Angular projects, we have some environment.ts files on environments folder.

Environment Files

Each environment file is used to run on specific environment such as local, docker, etc. But we will come back this on Multiple Environments

Now open one environment file and you will see a data structure

export const environment = {
  production: false, // Enable to true when we deploy on Production
  version: "0.0.5", // Current deployed version, useful to track user's version
  configurationEndpoint: "http://localhost:53595/v1.0/api/configurations/Portal/v1.0", 
  // Where to get Server configuration file
  ignoreSendTokenEndpoints: "api/accounts/login;api/accounts/refresh;api/accounts/forgot-password;api/accounts/recovery-password",
  // Ignore attach JWT token to HTTP Header when calling HTTP
  chatOptions: {
    allowFileTypes: 'jpg;jpeg;gif;png;zip;rar;doc;docx;xls;xlsx;pdf', // Chat Attachment file
    maxFileSizeInMb: 16 // Chat attachment file size

Server configuration file

LET Portal not only provides client-configuration file but also server-cofiguration file for SPA Web. A main reason is a complexity of multiple environments on server-side. Nowaday, we always have at least three environments such as Local, Staging and Production.

If you keep these configurations that belong to server-side such as service's endpoints, Consumer Key/Secret, feature toggles on client-side, you will jump into a hole. So an easiest solution is letting server-side to handle it and return when SPA web wants.

File Location: src/web-apis/LetPortal.ServiceManagementApis/Files/Portal/v1.0

There are some configuration files that are supporting to deploy Multiple Environments. However, they have a same data structured:

  "portalBaseEndpoint": "http://localhost:53595/v1.0",// Base endpoint of Portal APIs
  "chatBaseEndpoint": "http://localhost:51622",// Base endpoint of Chat APIs
  "identityBaseEndpoint": "http://localhost:51620"// Base endpoint of Identity APIs