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Dynamic List

The documentation applies to:✅ v0.8.0

Preparation knowledge

Before you read, please ensure you must complete this step. This step will help you to a basic knowledge about Dynamic List Component.


We assume you have an experience to work with LET Portal, at least login/menu and how to redirect. We just provide some short steps for letting you know a main points

Dynamic List Info


These options are used to turn on/off some features on Dynamic List. We will list out some important options instead of all, because we already attach Hint to option.

Dynamic List Options

Key Value Default Value Hint Note
enablesearh true/false true Display search textbox to filter data by keyword
enableadvancedsearch true/false true Display Advanced filter Can work without enablesearch is false
enablepagination true/false true Allow user to paginate data
enableexportexcel true/false true Allow user to export excel file
maximumclientexport number 100 Maximum records which are exported to excel Impact to client performance, so best value range is 100-300
allowexporthiddenfields true/false true Allow export some hidden fields

Database & Columns


There are no special here, it is a query that helps you to populate columns quickly. Note: this query is using to query your data and LET Portal will combine with filters to get a data. Read mongodb or sql for more detail.


Order Columns

You can drag & drop column to order columns, try it now !!!

Each column can be configured with these settings below:

  • Display Name: Header name of this column
  • Display Format: We are using C# string format to format a string. You can choose in the list or customizing your format.
  • Display HTML: When it is true, you can input HTML tag on Display Format. For example: <span style="color: red;"> {0} </span> for styling red color
  • Allow Sort: allow user to sort data ascending or descending
  • Search Text: allow column can be filtered by keyword
  • Search Advanced: Combine with Field Type, this column will appear on Advanced Filter with specific control type.
  • Field Type: Choose a control type to use for filtering column data on Advanced mode.

Display as html

Special field types

At the moment, we only have on special field type. This is Select control. When a column has Select field type, you can configure a datasource for this select by clicking on "Edit Datasource" button (Only appear for Select type)

For example, there are two referencing places that are:

  • For Database Datasource, you can see Roles column on Users List
  • For Static Datasource, you can see Connection Type column on Databases List

Sample select datasource on dynamic list


Dynamic List is grouping command buttons into two position types: Outside and In List

Position Different
Outside You can't touch any data, we recommend to use it for redirecting or calling some HTTP Service, don't have icon property
In List You can do all features with this button

These command buttons can do three action types:

Redirect Action Type

You can type a raw url on Redirect Url field or you can select page to help you fill an url.

You also pass a data to target url by using double curly braces {{ }}. For example, you want to pass id into url, just type portal/page/app-form?id={{}}.


On Dynamic List, you want to pass a row data, you need to access via data word

Execute Database Action Type

Prefer to mongodb or sql

Http Service Action Type

We are still developing this feature.